Setting Up Black Box LWE121A and LWE120A Pair

Extending Your Ethernet: I needed to extend an internet connection via wireless to a couple of remote buildings. After some research, and quizzing the seller, I went with the Black Box LWE system. The synopsis is that I can have one sending unit, and multiple receiving units: Single Sending Unit…

How to keep a Queen Bee Alive in a Cage

Well I am fortunate to have a fantastic neighbor in Art Grigoryev, who gave me my first swarm, and has mentored me quite a bit. Last Wednesday, he called to ask if I would like a queen that was from an established hive which he started from one of his…

Top Seven Software Project Management Tools

What do you need to manage a reasonably large software project? I am fortunate to be on a project where the following tools are vital to managing the developers and the development of the software.... its life-cycle: The critical items I would recommend are the following: Git Bug Tracking Database…

Selenium vs CURL Auth Testing

A few months ago I was tasked with setting up a system to unit test website authorization using Selenium. To fast forward, I also ended up creating the same tests using cURL, enabling me to compare using the two solutions to the problem. First, a description of Selenium and how…

20,000 Bees Join The Family

Well, I am a beekeeper now. A kind neighbor, Art agreed to give me a nucleus colony of bees to get me started. A nucleus is usually about three frames ( out of ten ) with all the correct apiary ingredients to foster into a full blown hive over much of a…

HIPAA Exam Room EMR PC/Console

About a year ago, a medical practice I assist had a HIPAA compliance issue in their examination rooms. The problem was that patient laptops could expose other patient information to different patients at times. Physicians hate to have to enter passwords, and in this case, the medical assistants would set…